This is a very intentional method of developing one's life. Like any other good habit-building, it is hard to develop this mindset, though it is not impossible to achieve.

We are created from one single source of energy, every religion may use different ways to explain it, but ultimately, we are all created from an abundant source of energy. So inherently, we all have the same features of abundance within us. It is just that, we don't get to learn about this from our early childhood at school or at home from parents or elders.

God has brought us onto this earth on a purpose and we have to dedicate ourselves to that purpose. The purpose in simple terms can be explained as something that is new and creative and which was not hereto available for the rest of humanity. To explore and find this purpose, you have to spend time with yourself, in contemplation, meditation, reading books, learning from gurus, etc. Exploring this can be very fast or it can take years to find, never stop the quest for finding your real-life purpose, until you find it.

Here are some of the dos and don'ts of how to develop the mindset of Growth, Gratitude, and Abundance.

  • ·       Never allow yourself to feel disappointed. You may expect to have a certain thing at a certain time, and not get it at that time, and this will appear to you like failure.
  • ·       Go on in a certain way and if do not receive that thing, you will receive something so much better that you will see that, the seeming failure was a great success.
  • ·       Give no anxious thought to possible disasters, obstacles, panics, or unfavorable combinations of circumstances; it is time enough to meet such things when they present themselves before you in the immediate present and you will that every difficulty carries with it the wherewithal for its overcoming.
  • ·       Guard your speech. Never speak of yourself, your affairs, or anything else in a discouraged or discouraging way.
  • ·       Never admit the possibility of failure, or speak in a way that infers failure as a possibility.
  • ·       Never speak of times being hard, as of business conditions as being doubtful. Times may be hard, or business conditions doubtful for those who are on the competitive plane, but as they can never be so for you; you can create what you want, and you are above fear.
  • ·       When others are having hard times and poor business, you will find your greatest opportunities.
  • ·       Train yourself to think of and to look upon the world as something that is constantly developing and growing; and to regard seeming evil as being only, that is undeveloped.
  • ·       Always speak in terms of advancement; to do otherwise is to deny your faith and to deny faith is to lose it.
  • ·       Every seeming failure will work out for you, if you keep the faith, hold to purpose, have gratitude, and do every day all that can be done on that day, doing each separate act in full concentration and a successful manner.
  • ·       When you face a failure, it is because you have not asked for enough. Keep on and a larger thing than you were asking will certainly come to you.
  • ·       You will never fail because you lack the necessary talent to do what you wish to do.
  • ·       You will succeed in the biggest goals of your life, if you keep faith, have a purpose, and have the mindset of gratitude & abundance.

Rise above the Competitive mindset to inculcate the Creative Mindset. Because new creations need the Creative Mindset.


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